Presenters also explore methods for bridging out of bad faith arguments and using storytelling for impact. Discover how to find and use up-to-date facts and handle situations where you don’t know the answer. Security considerations for navigating this election season are also be presented.
These training courses are all brief (15-30 min), self-paced, and interactive. Each training course can be taken independently of the others but can also be used to create a comprehensive training plan. Technical assistance for both sponsors completing the training and resettlement staff who wish to use the training can be requested here.
This webinar is intended to leave attendees feeling more empowered and prepared to take control of their energy usage. Watch more Lunch and Learns
Because newcomers are new to the U.S. rental market, they are not only at a higher risk of being discriminated against but may also face sexual harassment as well. In this webinar with Refugee Housing Solutions, learn about the different types of sexual harassment that may occur in a housing transaction, what protections newcomers have…