New York Resources
To find out about key benefits and services in New York and how to apply, select from the topics below.
Refugee & Newcomer Health
The refugee medical screening is an initial medical screening and immunizations check-up for newly arriving refugees and other eligible persons within 90 days of their date of arrival or date of immigration status granted.
Accessing Health Care
Medicaid (RMA) can be applied for in NYS either by going to the websites linked below, or in-person at the local Department of Social Services (LDSS) office (outside of NYC) or the local Human Resources Administration (HRA) offices (within NYC).
- Apply online for Medicaid only
- Apply online for both Public Assistance and Medicaid
- To Apply in-person for Medicaid, apply at your local Department of Social Services (DSS) office for the County you reside in. Here is the list of County DSS offices.
- Apply online for Medicaid only
- Apply online for both Public Assistance and Medicaid
- To apply in-person for Medicaid, apply at your local Human Resources Administration (HRA) office. Here is a link to HRA office locations.
Persons with Disabilities
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Here is information available for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- State Services for the Blind
The mission of the New York State Commission for the Blind is to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind.
For more information or to find a local District Office, please call 1-866-871-3000
SORP provides social and supportive services that assist older refugees aged 60 and older in gaining access to mainstream services within their respective communities so that they may live independently for as long as possible.
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare three months before you turn 65.
Phone: 1-800-633-4227
NY Connects is a trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long-term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability.
Phone: 1-800-342-9871
The Social Security program in the United States provides protection against the loss of earnings due to retirement, death, or disability.
Children's Wellness
Offers a wide variety of support and service options for both family members and individuals with disabilities
NY Connects is a trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long-term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability.
Phone: 1-800-342-9871
The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) offers a variety of services such as Child Abuse Prevention, Adoption/Foster Care Services, and maintains a directory of Child Care services available.
The Office of Youth and Young Adult Services supports and funds programs and initiatives that enable youth to build on their strengths and provides for youths to gain important life skills and core competencies.
Mental Health
New York State has a large, multi-faceted mental health system that serves more than 700,000 individuals each year. The Office of Mental Health (OMH) operates psychiatric centers across the state. OMH also regulates, certifies and oversees more than 4,500 programs, operated by local governments and nonprofit agencies.
For questions about mental health services, to find a mental health service provider or to make a complaint, call OMH Customer Relations toll-free at 1-800-597-8481.
Cash & Food Assistance
- Public assistance (RCA)
- Public Assistance (including cash and food assistance) can be applied for in NYS either by going to the websites linked below, or in-person at the local Department of Social Services (LDSS) office (outside of NYC) or the local Human Resources Administration (HRA) offices (within NYC).
- Upstate:
- Apply online for Public Assistance
- To Apply in-person for Public Assistance, apply at your local Department of Social Services (DSS) office for the County you reside in. Here is a list of County DSS offices.
- NYC:
- Apply online for Public Assistance
- To apply in-person for Public Assistance, apply at your local Human Resources Administration (HRA) office. Here is a link to HRA office locations.
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
WIC is a program offering supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition information to low-income women who are pregnant or have children aged birth to five. The program can only be applied for in-person. You can either go to the website directory and locate the nearest WIC provider, or you can call the “Growing Up Healthy Hotline” at 1-800-522-5006 to locate the nearest WIC provider.
A federal program supporting participants to attain self-sufficiency within 240 days (eight months) of arrival in the United States through financial, case management, and employment support.
Matching Grant is provided by Local Resettlement Agencies (LRA), and you will need to contact your nearest LRA to see if they have availability.
A program that provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people aged 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications.
Find Housing
A free service to list and find affordable, accessible homes across New York state.
Call 1-877-428-8844
Assistance with Housing Costs
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can help eligible New Yorkers heat and cool their homes.
Helps residents maintain housing stability
Call 211 (24/7) to speak to a Community Resource Specialist
LIHWAP helps low-income households pay the cost of water and sewer services. The program can assist households who have past due bills (arrears) for water and/or sewer services.
Housing Counseling
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Housing Counseling
Authorized under the Housing Act of 1937, HUD provides low-income, elderly and disabled individuals with safe and sanitary housing. HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country to provide free or low-cost advice.
Use this link to find point of contact information for HUD’s grantees.
Renter Rights
A Guide to Residential Renter’s Rights and Protections Under New York State Law
Homelessness Prevention & Assistance
If you are currently homeless or at-risk of homelessness outside of NYC, please contact your Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) or call the OTDA hotline to find your nearest LDSS at 1-800-342-3009.
If you are located in New York City, please call 311 or visit the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) website where there is information on intake centers, prevention programs, and more.
The Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange (CORE) connects and supports refugee resettlement staff globally to deliver effective Cultural Orientation to help refugees achieve self-sufficiency in the United States.
Through its statewide network of community-based providers, ONA assists all new Americans in accessing and navigating a variety of free services and supports their inclusion as an integral part of New York State’s diverse cultural fabric.
Call 1-800-566-7636
Switchboard provides tools, learning opportunities, research, and technical assistance covering a range of topics related to the newcomer experience.
Employment Services
Find information and services for unemployment insurance, wage rates, licenses, permits, and more from the NYS Department of Labor, the state agency that oversees labor laws and programs in NYS.
In all upstate localities, the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) office can provide Employment Services.
In NYC, the Human Resources Administration (HRA) can provide employment services.
The Matching Grant program helps refugees and other ORR-eligible populations overcome barriers and quickly find jobs. The intent is for refugees to become economically self-sufficient through employment within 240 days and without accessing cash assistance programs.
Matching Grant is provided by Local Resettlement Agencies (LRA), and you will need to contact your nearest LRA to see if they have availability.
Identification Documents
- Driver and Vehicle Services
Information and resources about obtaining a driver’s license or state ID
Please read the Department of Motor Vehicles Letter Process for Newly Arrived Refugees. This letter provides guidance on how refugees resettled through Welcome Corps can receive a NYS license/identification card
Explanation of DMV Letter Process
Provides Social Security Numbers and administers retirement, disability, survivor, and family benefits, and enrolls individuals in Medicare
English Language Resources
Through its statewide network of community-based providers, ONA assists all new Americans in accessing and navigating a variety of free services and supports their inclusion as an integral part of New York State’s diverse cultural fabric.
Call 1-800-566-7636
Free English courses on mobile devices
The NYS Office for Children and Family Services maintains a directory of childcare services.
The Child Support Program provides custodial parents with assistance in obtaining financial support and medical insurance coverage for their children by locating parents, establishing parentage, establishing or modifying support orders, and collecting and distributing child support payments.
Early Childhood Education
Head Start programs offer safe, positive learning environments for children aged three to four to learn, to play, and build the skills that get them ready for kindergarten and beyond.
K-12 Education
The New York State Education Department’s mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in New York.
Other legal services available outside of the resettlement network
Through its statewide network of community-based providers, ONA assists all new Americans in accessing and navigating a variety of free services and supports their inclusion as an integral part of New York State’s diverse cultural fabric.
Welcome Corps
Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation
RHTP is a New York State-funded program which supports service providers throughout the state to provide case management and services to confirmed victims of trafficking.
Adult & Child Abuse
APS workers develop services plans for eligible clients to remedy physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or to address unmet, essential needs of adults.
CPS is required to investigate child abuse and maltreatment reports, to protect children (anyone under 18 years old) from further abuse or maltreatment, and to provide rehabilitative services to children, parents, and other family members involved.
The New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program (NYSESRP) is a state funded program that provides transitional services to certain ORR populations and Humanitarian Parolees. NYSERSP is a resource for refugee newcomers that can be accessed after the 90-days sponsorship period.
Local Resource Search
The resources in this map are collected via desk research and submissions from agency contacts and community sponsors. While we work to ensure the information provided is up-to-date and accurate, please use the buttons below to submit a new service connection or request an edit to an existing entry.
This local resource map was developed with funding from Switchboard.