Due to the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration directed Refugee Welcome Collective to immediately suspend work as of January 24, 2025. In compliance with this directive, all RWC offerings, such as Lunch and Learn webinars and Sounding Board social learning spaces, are canceled until further notice. Technical assistance booking is also unavailable at this time.

For Refugees

5 Tips for newcomers working with community sponsors

Refugee Welcome Collective is proud to offer a video series with practical advice for newcomers in community sponsorship. We know that the most valuable knowledge comes from those with lived experience. Our partners at USAHello interviewed refugees across the country about their experiences with community sponsors. Their collective knowledge and advice are shared in this video series to help prepare our newest neighbors for a positive start.

USAHello is a non-profit organization providing multilingual information and educational resources for refugees, asylees and immigrants of all backgrounds.


نکته برای تازه واردان که با حمایت کننده گان اجتماع خود کار می کنند ۵
Five Tips for Newcomers Working with Community Sponsors


د نويو راغلو کسانو لپاره پنځه لارښوونې چې د ټولنيزو سپانسرانو او ملاتړو سره يوځای کار کوي
Five Tips for Newcomers Working with Community Sponsors


Additional languages coming soon.

Do you want to learn more about Community Sponsorship? Receive training? Or provide training based on your own experience with a CS group?

Je, ungependa kupata maelezo zaidi kuhusu Ufadhili wa Jumuiya (CS)? Ungependa kupokea mafunzo? Au kutoa mafunzo kulingana na yale uliyopitia na kundi la CS?

هل تريد أن تتعلم أكثر بشأن الرعاية المجتمعية (CS)؟ أو أن تحصل على تدريب؟ أو أن توفر تدريبًا استنادًا إلى خبرتك الخاصة مع إحدى مجموعات الرعاية المجتمعية؟

Contact us to discuss further!

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