New Hampshire Resources
To find out about key benefits and services in New Hampshire and how to apply, select from the topics below.
Key State Contacts
- State Refugee Coordinator
Laura McGlashan
- State Refugee Health Coordinator
Laura McGlashan (Interim)
- State Refugee Program Specialist
Shawn Barry
Local Resettlement Agencies
Refugee & Newcomer Health
- Domestic Medical Screening / Refugee Health Assessment
The New Hampshire Refugee Health Program has established relationships with several clinics that conduct the Refugee Health Assessment. For planning purposes, we ask that you please coordinate with the State Refugee Health Coordinator before scheduling any appointments.
Please send an email to the State Refugee Health Coordinator.
Accessing Health Care
Coordination of Refugee Health Assessment services may be available at the two local resettlement agencies.
- Medicaid
Please refer to Cash & Food Assistance tab.
- Refugee Medical Assistance
Please refer to Cash & Food Assistance tab.
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare three months before you turn 65.
Phone: 1-800-633-4227
The Social Security program in the United States provides protection against the loss of earnings due to retirement, death, or disability.
Cash & Food Assistance
- Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Cash assistance available to residents who enter the U.S. under humanitarian protection with low incomes
To apply for all types of assistance, including cash, SNAP, childcare assistance, and Medicaid, complete the appropriate form below and submit to NH Department of Health and Human Services:
– Application for Assistance (Form 800)
– Medical Assistance for Children, Pregnant Women, and Parent/Caretaker Relative (Form 800 insert)
DHHS offers online services through NH EASY Gateway to Services, New Hampshire’s Electronic Application System. Learn how to apply for assistance, check eligibility, track your application status, and more by visiting the NH EASY Gateway to Services web page.
Apply by printing out one of the applications, completing it, and mailing it in to your local District Office.
Call 1-844-ASK-DHHS (1-844-275-3447)
A program offering supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition to low-income women who are pregnant or families that have children aged birth to five.
Find a WIC clinic closest to you at www.signupWIC.com or call the State WIC Agency at 1-800-942-4321.
OR, you can now use an online WIC pre-application tool to get started on applying for WIC services. This tool can be found on the website linked above.
A federal program supporting participants to attain self-sufficiency within 240 days (eight months) of arrival in the United States through financial, case management, and employment support.
To apply, contact the International Institute of New England Manchester Office: 603-647-1500
A program that provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people aged 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications.
Find Housing
New Hampshire Housing promotes, finances, and supports housing solutions for the people of New Hampshire.
Assistance with Housing Costs
Helps residents maintain housing stability
Call 211 (24/7) to speak to a Community Resource Specialist
Housing Counseling
HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country to provide free or low-cost advice.
Phone: 800-569-4287
Renter Rights
For assistance with an eviction, contact 603 Legal Aide.
Information and resources about obtaining a driver’s license or state ID
Phone: 603-227-4000
Provides Social Security Numbers and administers retirement, disability, survivor, and family benefits, and enroll individuals in Medicare
Phone: 1-800-772-1213
Transition to Resettlement Network (after 90 days)
Please refer to Key State Contacts tab for information about local resettlement agencies and other refugee-serving organizations.
Local Resource Search
The resources in this map are collected via desk research and submissions from agency contacts and community sponsors. While we work to ensure the information provided is up-to-date and accurate, please use the buttons below to submit a new service connection or request an edit to an existing entry.
This local resource map was developed with funding from Switchboard.