Wisconsin Resources
To find out about key benefits and services in Wisconsin and how to apply, select from the topics below.
Key State Contacts
Bojana Zorić Martinez
Savitri J. Tsering
Wisconsin Resettlement Agencies
Address: 1825 Riverside Drive Green Bay, WI 54301
Phone: (920) 272-8234
Address: 1110 North Old World Third Street, Suite 420 Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 225-6220
Address: 6434 Enterprise Lane Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 442-4081
Address: 3974 S. Howell Ave, Suite 2 Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 246-2517
Address: 300 N 3rd St Suite 212 Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: (715) 907-7082
Address: 3927 S Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 800-4168
Address: 510 E Wisconsin Ave Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: (920) 231-3600
Address: 807 Forest Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
Phone: 920-783-6701
Address: 221 W Madison Street, Suite 107, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 920-231-3600
Cash & Food Assistance
A program offering supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition information to low-income women who are pregnant or have children aged birth to five; WIC can be applied for in person by visiting a local WIC clinic.
A federal program supporting participants to attain self-sufficiency within 240 days (8 months) of arrival in the United States through financial, case management, and employment supports
A program that provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that provides food assistance to those with low incomes. The food is distributed through local agencies, such as:
– Food pantries: This is a place where a person can get food to take home and prepare at no cost.
– Prepared meal sites: This is a place where a person can go and eat a prepared meal at no cost, such as a soup kitchen or emergency shelter. Those who seek meals at food kitchens and shelters do not need to meet income guidelines.
There are many services offered by your Wisconsin Works agency in addition to cash assistance to meet your interests and needs. Some services are:
– Help finding career interests
– Job matching
– Resume and interview skill growth
– Onsite work training
– High school or technical college education courses
– A connection to FoodShare and other assistance programs
– Help applying for SSI/SSDI
Refugee & Newcomer Health
Applying for health-related benefits is a crucial first step in welcoming all refugees. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has information that can help you identify which Income Maintenance (IM) office you need to go to. All IM offices have been provided with the information needed to process applications for Medicaid (MA) and FoodShare benefits for refugees.
Income Maintenance (IM) offices can assist in applications for:
- Medicaid
- FoodShare
- Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Refugees applying for benefits need to bring their I-94, and/or any other document they have with the stamp confirming their eligibility/immigration status.
Applications can be made by contacting a local benefit agency or going online. After submitting the application, they need to do an interview with an IM worker who will determine their eligibility.
If applying in person, the IM worker can determine the refugee’s eligibility at that time. Once the refugee is deemed eligible, they can access services even without a Medicaid Forward card as all services can be back dated to the date of service. They will be given a medical identification number, and they can seek care immediately. The recipient receives their official Forward card in the mail approximately 30 days after applying.
If the refugee does not qualify for Medicaid, then they can apply for Refugee Medical Assistance from their local Wisconsin Works (W2) agency. The W-2 worker will determine if the refugee is eligible for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA).
Refugee Medical Screening
During the initial stage of resettlement, all incoming refugees are to go through Refugee Medical Screening (RMS). RMS is a thorough physical exam that includes comprehensive communicable disease screening, updating vaccines, oral, nutritional, and mental health assessments. It ensures follow-up of medical issues, identifies personal health conditions, and refers refugees to a primary care provider for ongoing care.
It is critical that as you work with the newcomer, you prioritize assisting them with RMS.
To gain a better understanding of RMS, the private sponsor group and the clinical providers who will be working with the refugee individual or family should look over the following resources:
– ORR’s Domestic Medical Screening Guidelines Checklist provides a simple checklist of all the components needed for the exam.
– CareRef assists clinicians in walking through the exam for individuals they are seeing. It adjusts its recommendations based on their individual’s country of origin and follows the guidance of CDC for the domestic refugee medical exam, or refugee medical screening (RMS).
– CDC domestic refugee screening protocol
– Refugee Medical Screening Guidance for Wisconsin reiterates CDC guidance and reminds providers of the importance of cultural sensitivity and quality interpretation during the RMS.
For refugees arriving in Madison through Welcome Corps, private sponsor groups can email Mary Vasquez (MVasquez@uwhealth.org) at UW Health identifying your role and need for a primary care provider for a newly arrived refugee.
In Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Muslim Community Health Center can provide RMS to refugees resettled through Welcome Corp. To schedule an appointment contact Salma Akhter (salma@mchcwi.org) and identify that you are working through Welcome Corps. She will assist you in setting up the appointment.
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
- Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
Many RMS are done at FQHCs.
Any FQHC in WI may perform this exam. It is like what they are required to do for a new patient exam. Some FQHCs have established relationships for RMS provision to refugees being resettled through resettlement agencies. It is important that your private sponsor group states that they are part of the Welcome Corps program.
– Find a Community Health Center: This listing is updated annually.
Members of your private sponsor group may have connections with a health care system in your area that can assist you in finding a clinician to complete RMS.
If you are unable to obtain an appointment for RMS through the resources already identified, contact the State Refugee Health Coordinator.
Reminders for RMS:
– RMS is not done by a Civil Surgeon.
– Any clinician in Wisconsin can perform RMS (physician assistant, nurse practitioner, medical doctor).
– There is no form that Wisconsin requires clinicians to complete for RMS.
– RMS is billed to Badgercare/Wisconsin Medicaid as a new patient exam, well-child exam, or “level 4” visit. All refugees are eligible for Medicaid.
– RMS appointments should be scheduled, if possible, within 30 days of arrival.
– Ensure the refugee keeps the scheduled appointment and is provided with transportation to and from the appointment.
It is crucial that you assist them in beginning to understand health care in America: how to navigate care, the importance of vaccines, how their medical information is protected in the U.S., and accessing their medical information either by keeping After Visit Summaries of visits made and/or learning how to access their health system app such as “MyChart” to facilitate their ongoing care.
Vaccines & Immunization
Adults and children are required to have their vaccinations up to date when they file to adjust their statues (get their green card) to permanent resident alien. This happens one year after U.S. arrival. Children will also be required to be up to date on their vaccinations for school admission.
The Wisconsin Immunization Registry will capture all their overseas immunizations as well as vaccinations they receive here.
Refugee Health Promotion (RHP)
RHP supports refugees in developing an understanding of the U.S. health care system and build health and mental health understanding. It can be offered on a one-on-one basis as well as through group activities. Contact the local resettlement agency nearest you to inquire about activities that the refugee can benefit from (e.g. group health education and group activities that decrease social isolation and assist in adjustment to life in the U.S.).
Assistance with Housing Costs
HUD’s Office of Field Policy and Management is committed to supporting new Americans such as refugees and other newcomer populations find safe, permanent, and affordable housing by providing access to housing counseling and sharing important resources regarding HUD programs and services. Assisting these communities is essential to realizing HUD’s mission of creating “strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.”
Housing Counseling
- HUD Housing Counseling
HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country to provide free or low-cost advice.
- Refugee Support Services
- Employer Fact Sheet for Afghans
USCIS has released this webpage as a Quick Guide to Support the Afghan Workforce and help employers understand what documentation they should accept for folks who are approved for re- or extension of parole. Updated guidance and factsheets from DOJ’s Immigrant and Employee Rights (IER) Section are forthcoming.
The Matching Grant program helps refugees and other ORR-eligible populations overcome barriers and quickly find jobs. The intent is for refugees to become economically self-sufficient through employment within 240 days and without accessing cash assistance programs.
K-12 Education
Immigration Legal Resources
This resource is designed to help connect new arrivals with trusted immigration legal service providers. The referral lists comprised of professionals who are authorized to provide immigration legal advice — U.S. Department of Justice Accredited Representatives and Immigration attorneys. It’s important to avoid legal help from individuals and businesses that are not legally qualified.
Welcome Corps
Services to Older Refugees
Helps the elderly in Milwaukee area who are in need of additional services. Those who qualify are:
– Age 60 or older
– Admitted to the United States under an eligible status
– Have not yet obtained citizenship
Local Resource Search
The resources in this map are collected via desk research and submissions from agency contacts and community sponsors. While we work to ensure the information provided is up-to-date and accurate, please use the buttons below to submit a new service connection or request an edit to an existing entry.
This local resource map was developed with funding from Switchboard.