Due to the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration directed Refugee Welcome Collective to immediately suspend work as of January 24, 2025. In compliance with this directive, all RWC offerings, such as Lunch and Learn webinars and Sounding Board social learning spaces, are canceled until further notice. Technical assistance booking is also unavailable at this time.

Community Sponsorship Essentials

Co-designed by the Refugee Welcome Collective, Welcome.US, and the Community Sponsorship Hub, this training serves as a baseline for engaging as a community sponsorship group.

Participants will receive both in-depth information around providing resettlement services and a broad overview of how to help facilitate long-term integration and success for newcomers. Pieces of this training are designed for individual learning and reflection while others are to be discussed with the larger community sponsorship group. If your group wants to serve as a co-sponsor paired with a local refugee resettlement agency, please be sure to contact your local agency for next steps after completing the baseline training.


Watch the video below for an onboarding overview.


If you encounter any technical issues, please contact support@sponsoressentials.org for assistance.