Due to the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration directed Refugee Welcome Collective to immediately suspend work as of January 24, 2025. In compliance with this directive, all RWC offerings, such as Lunch and Learn webinars and Sounding Board social learning spaces, are canceled until further notice. Technical assistance booking is also unavailable at this time.

Community Sponsorship Manual

This Community Sponsorship Manual provides knowledge and advice for community sponsors embarking on the co-sponsorship experience. Paired with knowledge from fellow group members, community, and newcomers, this manual is a guide to approaching sponsorship skillfully and thoughtfully.

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Main content areas include group roles, group communication, health, housing, and key sponsorship resources. The information and resources within this manual were created for community sponsors serving as co-sponsors in partnership with a local resettlement agency. While the information may be helpful to any community sponsor, please be mindful of any requirements or resources specific to your community sponsorship.

For community sponsorship staff, this manual can serve as a ready tool for you to share with your community sponsors. It can serve as reference and guidance before and during the sponsor’s experience.